Yoga Among Friends

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Inquiring Minds Want to Know... Just Who are These 5 New Yoga Teachers?

*Actually it is not “inquiring minds want to know” It’s Enquiring minds want to know” and it was a play on words of the National Enquirer magazine slogan in the 80s.

It was catchy and successful and people utilized it in everyday speech for various situations. It, like many other great slogans, has stood the test of time.

We challenged are new teachers to answer some casual, yet fun questions in effort for our community to get to know them better. So here in their own words are Nadine Behaveolos, Kim Eisendrath, Jana Sutherland, Melanie Unell, and Patti Yates.

Nadine Bahaveolos

First up Nadine Behaveolos

Yoga has been a wonderful journey, a path of healing body, mind and spirit for Nadine who has been practicing for over 10 years. She is a student of the Krishnamacharya tradition, under the tutelage of Laura Jane Mellencamp-Murphy and Julie Pate.

  • If you could pick one song to play every time you entered a room it would be…”I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross

  •  In a perfect world, we would communicate via… hugs 😊

  •  When I’m not on a yoga mat, you’d most likely find me…walking in my neighborhood

  •  My favorite animal is..Giraffe

  • Guilty Pleasure…The Real Housewives of New York

  • Pigout food…Chips and Guacamole

  • Last show I binge watched….Schitts’ Creek and the Durrell’s in Corfu on PBS. Both were excellent!

  • A good book I’m reading…Where the Heart Waits by Sue Monk Kidd

  • Best movie I’ve seen lately…Almost Famous

  • My favorite place is...our family cottage in Delavan WI

  • If I could do anything for the next 30 minutes, I would ... Read a book

  • People would be surprised that I…am a huge Chicago Bulls fan!

  • A cause or project I am most passionate about is…The Night Ministry

  • My yoga role models…  Laura Jane Mellencamp Murphy & Julie Pate (Yoga Among Friends) and Kelly McLellan (Getting Still Yoga, Black Mountain NC)

  • A pose I struggle with…Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon)

  • A pose I love and why…Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle) because every part of my body is open and energetic

  • The biggest reason I teach yoga is...To serve and share these healing tools

  • What I want to I want to teach my students (through yoga) is to…cultivate inner listening and to feel more confident in their practice and balanced in their life

  • What 3 words best describe you? Smiling mystic mama

Read Nadine’s bio on our teacher’s page. And sign up for her Yin Flow class on Mondays from 8:30-9:30am on Zoom.

Kim Eisendrath

Meet Kim Eisendrath

Kim has been practicing yoga for almost 20 years and finds it as a source of strength and inspiration being able to come in to her body while expanding her mind. As a special education teacher for 25 years, Kim has a unique way of meeting people where they are at and seeing their inner light.

  • If you could pick one song to play every time you entered a room it would be…Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles

  • In a perfect world, we would communicate via…Face to face with smiles and hugs.

  • When I’m not on a yoga mat, you’d most likely find me…Lately it would be playing with my dogs, going for a walk or studying something about the body

  • My favorite animal is..Of course dogs, but I have an incredible connection with elephants, they are just such beautiful mystical creatures

  • Guilty Pleasure…I am obsessed with drinking tea

  • Pigout food…chocolate

  • Last show I binge watched….Away

  • A good book I’m reading…There are too many on my nightstand to just pick one… hahaha

  • Best movie I’ve seen lately…Tom of Your Life

  • My favorite place is...The beach, the beach, the beach

  • If I could do anything for the next 30 minutes, I would ...Hug my kids

  • People would be surprised that I…can wiggle my ears

  • A cause or project I am most passionate about is…Working with individuals and families that have been through various types of trauma.

  • My yoga role models… There are so many to be inspired by: Laura Jane Murphy, Julie Pate, Deb Wineman, Julia Jonson, Andrew Gurvey, Seane Corn, Hala Khouri

  • A pose I struggle with…There are many, twisted pyramid pose and crow pose

  • A pose I love and why…I love the simplicity and beauty of mountain pose. I love the calmness in the pose, I love that it is a pause in a practice, I love that it is a moment to feel the effects of the practice, I love that is is a strong and graceful pose. The concept of standing tall and proud yet relaxed is so powerful.

  • What is the biggest reason I teach yoga help people feel connected to  their bodies. I love the philosophy of connecting mind and body and the purpose of the poses and how they can be integrated together. The symbolism of what the movements mean is so beautiful, I love to share my practice and tie it together with real life.

  • What I want to I want to teach my students (through yoga) is to…integrate their minds with their body through asana. I want them to be able to really feel what it is like to live in their own amazing bodies through beautiful stretches and active asanas.

  • What 3 words best describe you? Compassionate. Curious. Smiley.

Read Kim’s bio on our teacher’s page. And check out her Yin Flow class on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7-8:15am in the studio and on Zoom. She is also leading the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Memorial Practice & Pancreatic Cancer Research Fundraiser in honor of our dear friend Candy Stevens on Sat, Oct 10.

Get to know Jana Sutherland

Jana has been practicing Yoga for over 15 years, starting back in Berlin, Germany – where she used to live and work as an editor for a lifestyle magazine before moving to the Chicago area about 10 years ago. “I am excited to teach, as I believe that yoga holds the key to a healthy body and calm mind. I learned so much these past years and I want to give back to uplift and inspire people.”  

Jana Sutherland

  • If you could pick one song to play every time you entered a room it would be…France Gall’s “Ella, Elle L'a.” I had that song in my ear all day long today 😊

  • In a perfect world, we would communicate via… modern technology is amazing but face to face (or heart to heart) is best.

  • When I’m not on a yoga mat, you’d most likely find me…on a walk or in my bathtub!

  • My favorite animal is…elephants. They are majestic.

  • Guilty Pleasure…pistachio gelato.

  • Pigout food…homemade food. Basically, anything made with Love. 

  • Last show I binge watched….Borgen. A Danish political drama. 

  • A good book I’m reading…currently, Lady in Waiting by Anne Glenconner. I quite enjoy reading this book about British Royalty. Next up, Sapiens: A brief history of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.

  • Best movie I’ve seen lately…a classic: Heart Burn with Meryl Streep. I watched it on a flight back home and it made me laugh and cry.  

  • My favorite place bed. 

  • If I could do anything for the next 30 minutes, I would ...sing.

  • People would be surprised that I…have degree in fashion design. 

  • A cause or project I am most passionate about is…keeping the earth clean. We can do as little as buying less and always recycle. 

  • My most inspiring yoga-related experience yoga teacher training. 

  • My yoga role models… the two teachers that I met right here at Yoga among friends: Laura Jane, of course! and Megan L.

  • A pose I struggle with…is a seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana) – but working on it daily!

  • A pose I love and why…a beautiful heart opener, cobra (Bhujangasana)

  • What I want to teach my students (through yoga) is to…be confident and kind to themselves.

  • 2 words best describe me…dedicated and supportive

Learn more about Jana on our teacher’s page. And sign up for her Sunrise Yoga class on Wednesdays from 6–7am, on Zoom starting Oct 21.

Melanie Unell

Next Up is Melanie Unell

Melanie is a mother of two with a passion for all things health and wellness. She gravitated towards yoga 15 years ago through her own personal journey to find a greater sense of being and found her home at Yoga Among Friends.

  • If you could pick one song to play every time you entered a room it would be…River by Leon Bridges

  • In a perfect world, we would communicate via…writing letters

  • When I’m not on a yoga mat, you’d most likely find me…in the kitchen

  • My favorite animal is..cheetah

  • Guilty Pleasure…banana covered in almond butter, shredded coconut, cocao nibs

  • Pigout food…Lesser Evil Snacks: Egg White Curls Huevos Rancheros

  • Last show I binge watched….This is Us

  • A good book I’m reading…The Second Mountain by David Brooks

  • Best movie I’ve seen lately…Little Farm

  • My favorite place is...Fullersburg Woods

  • If I could do anything for the next 30 minutes, I would ...go for a walk in Fullersburg Woods

  • People would be surprised that I…am from South Africa

  • A cause or project I am most passionate about is…molding my children into compassionate human beings

  • My most inspiring yoga-related experience was...Yoga Among Friends teacher training

  • My yoga role models…Laura Jane, Julie Pate, and Julie Stewart

  • A pose I struggle with…Revolved Triangle Pose/Parivrtta Trikonasana

  • A pose I love and why…Mountain Pose/Tadasana. Standing in mountain pose requires great strength and stability. Coming back to this pose gives you a moment to check in with the breath and enjoy the sweetness of your asanas.

  • What I want to teach my students (through yoga) is to…create a space within your home where you can show up consistently to do your practice.

  • What 3 words best describe me…Love, Honesty, Connection.

Learn more about Melanie on our teacher’s page. And be sure to sign up for her Vinyasa Flow class on Thursdays from 12-1pm on Zoom.

Patti Yates, RN, RYT 200

Last, but definitely not least, is…Patti Yates

Patti’s love of yoga inspires her to share her passion with others. She has taught yoga for over 30 years, mostly in Virginia. She is a registered nurse, who has led yoga therapy sessions with oncology patients and held restorative classes to students with Multiple Sclerosis and their teachers, among others. 

  • If you could pick one song to play every time you entered a room it would be…"All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles

  • In a perfect world, we would communicate via…in person

  • When I’m not on a yoga mat, you’d most likely find me…playing with my grandchildren

  • My favorite animal is..elephant

  • Guilty Pleasure…eating chocolate

  • Pigout food…lasagna

  • Last show I binge watched….Grace and Frankie

  • A good book I’m reading…Be Love Now  by Ram Dass  

  • Best movie I’ve seen lately…I Still Believe

  • My favorite place is...Amorgos Island in Greece

  • If I could do anything for the next 30 minutes, I would...Meditate

  • People would be surprised that I…took workshops and studied with Aadil Palkavala

  • My most inspiring yoga-related experience was... A week of asana practice and  meditation with Aadil Palkavala focusing on opening the heart and following your Dharma.

  • My yoga role models…My teachers: Laura Jane Murphy, Sandra Pleasants and Lilias Folan

  • A pose I struggle with…Malasana II, the squat

  • A pose I love and why… Cobra (Bhujangasana) because I love the calm sensation of back bends

  • What is the biggest reason I teach yoga share my passion for yoga with others         

  • 3 words that best describe me…cheerful, compasionate and spiritual 

  • My teaching style is inspired by these masters…B.K.S. Iyengar and  T.K.V. Desikachar 

Read Patti's bio on our teacher’s page. And check out her Beginner’s Yoga class on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm in the studio and on Zoom.

And there you have it… Five inspiring, fascinating teachers who love wild animals (Yoga Among Friends should really do a safari retreat 🤷‍♀️), binge watch tv and struggle with poses like the rest of us, and are eager to share the beautiful gift of yoga with all of us!