Yoga Among Friends

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Living in the Heart of Yoga

My intentions for this month are to build on loving and staying in a state of balance. Connection to nature and remembering who I am as the essence of being alive. These are very lofty ideals, and yet, this is how I thrive in a world that presents so much fear and pain. I go to the opposite of what my eyes see, my ears hear, and my mind witnesses that I can choose another thought. I practice my yoga.

This February, the month of heart, let’s come together and support each other on this crazy journey of living. We have so many opportunities to practice together as the studio is finally bringing students back into our sweet space.

We are once again experiencing community as the great healer. Laughter and shared friendships begin as we spend time in the studio together. It’s a joyous gift to have kept our space open through all the challenges of the past few years.

I am celebrating 25 years of signing my lease here on Forest Ave this month. Yes, in 1997, I envisioned offering yoga in a space that could host a shared intention. Learning these tools of yoga is an opportunity to nourish friendships.

Yoga Among Friends was always a desire for community. To welcome and meet anyone where they are. It was about taking layers off, revealing the true gift of being seen. To belong and feel the comfort of support as we grow and learn to be better human beings. Not striving to be perfect but to feel safe enough to be vulnerable and alive. To offer a shared “hello.”

I always ask myself, what is the next right action? Am I fit for the next right action in my thoughts, my words? Are my thoughts healing or harmful, so my actions can be healing? I know I have a choice, yet I must know the difference. What might have been healing before is now possibly harming.

I broke my knee this past summer and had to be in a brace for six weeks. I still practiced yoga but with a new understanding of what I should and should not do. A profound acceptance of limits, and yet, my knee today is fully healed because I shifted my practice. I honored the process of the miracle of healing, and I let go of the bully in me as I cultivated patience, forgiveness, and acceptance. Wherever we are on our life path, these tools can only assist us as we heal. Yoga is a journey of living life with grace.

As we move into a new chapter at YAF, I will forever be grateful for the souls that shared their gifts: our exceptional teachers over the years, the students that came through our door, the stories we have shared, and the loving hugs that we gave each other in gratitude for friendship. Let’s keep growing together—welcoming!

This weekend we participated in Downtown Downers Grove’s Annual Ice Fest by having gorgeous ice sculptures made to kick off our 25th anniversary. Stop by and have your picture taken with them. Then take a walk downtown to see all the other beautiful sculptures lining the streets.


25th Anniversary party coming in April!