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How to Follow Your Intuition to Overcome Obstacles

I know I'm following my intuition when doubt moves aside, and I just know. My intellect is not weighing the pros and cons. The voices of my inner dialogue stop. In this moment I am clear. I am confident. No more am I filled with
Laura Jane false bravado or arrogance that I am right. A sweet humility and inner excitement for the unknown arises when my mind ceases its chatter.

Yoga asks us to strive to detach from the goal of a perfect body, to let go of the struggle to attain that desire. We feed thoughts every day that tell us we need to obtain false happiness with "self-help" techniques and promises. This path only leads to more self-doubt.

Yoga is a tool used to strip away layers of false identity and reveal the unlimited beauty of our authentic Self. Being mindful is letting go of intellect and feeling an awareness of being enough. Rather than responding to the small mind's need to do, this larger perspective is all about letting go. And only through feeling can we achieve pure consciousness. Words alone give us nothing. We need the actual experience of being alive. We must be willing to focus our roaming minds and practice stillness daily.

Instead of instant attachment to outcomes, we can use yoga as a tool to find kindness, compassion, and loving joy. When we do, our true nature is revealed, and we can no longer hide behind the doubts, fears, and confusion of an anxious mind. Peace is not a thought. It is the willingness to go inside and listen to the palpable experience of peace. This new sensation arises out of the heart's desire to fall in love with the fullness of life. MindFULLness is pure contentment. In that space there is no doubt. I realize I am more than the outcome of my identity. The grace of love is revealed.
