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COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

What a week it has been! As you may be aware, we've been closely monitoring the rapid progression of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic including updates from the CDC, state, and county to help guide us through this unique situation. While this is no time for fear or panic, it is a time for extreme caution and responsible behavior to protect our community.

I have sat in deep reflective thought over what might be the next right action. Since we opened in 1998, I'm honored to share that we have never closed. In all these 22 years, we have held a commitment to the community sharing the teachings of yoga for our wellbeing.

In times such as these, our yoga is now living consciously, and so we have decided to temporarily close starting Monday, March 16 and hopefully reopen on our anniversary Wednesday, April 1. During this time, we are freezing all class passes, series class registrations, and workshop registrations so you will be able to use them when we reopen.

I know there will be some very disappointed students who feel this might be hasty and there will be others grateful for the decision. There is no one answer in how to navigate through this uncertain and unfamiliar landscape. As I write this heartfelt letter, I hope we can honor each other and help prevent the spread as we witness what is going on in Spain and France.

According to experts, one of the most effective measures in fighting the spread of this infection and preserving our healthcare system is "social distancing." Please see the potential benefit of social distancing and other control measures (such as handwashing, teleworking and limiting travel) in the graphic below.

Flatten The Curve.JPG

At Yoga Among Friends, we're dedicated to going over and above to protect our amazing community. We will reevaluate the situation and provide updates as we receive additional information.

In the days that we are closed, we will be doing a massive cleaning and refreshing of our studio. Our spring cleaning is one we look forward to providing for your return.

We recognize this is an unprecedented situation and appreciate your understanding and support. Please stay healthy and safe!

Blessings from all of us at YAF