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Midwest Yoga & Oneness Festival Discount

Midwest Yoga & Oneness Festival Discount


We proudly announce that we’re a sponsor of the 5th annual Midwest Yoga & Oneness Festival! Join Laura Jane November 15-17, 2019 at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, Iowa.

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The festival’s mission is to create an embodied experience of oneness, release of the spirit, an exploration of yoga for all levels, shapes, and sizes as expressions of life and joy, and to radiate transformational vibrations of love and light to the world.

This year’s festival headliner is Laura’s teacher, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, the renowned teacher, author, visionary and spiritual head of the Himalayan Insititute.

He will be sharing the system of meditation as taught by the great masters Patanjali and Buddha and will lead participants in a 30-minute meditation in support of Himalayan Institute's YEAR LONG MEDITATION (YLM).

Register now to reserve your spot for intensive training and other sessions with worldwide, and nationally known, teachers. See the Festival schedule and teachers/presenters.

Plus, connect with others. Whether its mingling in the vendor marketplace, sharing space in the on-going meditation vigil, or sharing the collective “OM” in the morning sangha gatherings, all are welcome and encouraged to be with others who share a bond in their practice, their belief in oneness, and their desire to feel at home.

Use our Teacher/Student discount code LMTS1920 to get 20% off your registration! To learn more and register: https://www.midwestyogaandonenessfestival.com.

YAF Supports Year Long Meditation

Because we too are passionate about global peace and transformation, we are participating in the Himalayan Institute's YLM project. And while many of our classes include a meditation piece, here are some dedicated classes and workshops that support the practice and participation in the YLM. Click the photos below to learn more and how to register.