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Viewing entries tagged
Gray Bear

Tree Warriors Needed! An Earth Day Fundraiser

Tree Warriors Needed! An Earth Day Fundraiser

It takes a community to protect a forest

Last March, 200 acres of pristine forest adjacent to Gray Bear Lodge, the holistic retreat center in Tennessee where we've held past retreats, were slated to be cleared cut.

This pristine area is home to dogwood, hickory, red oak, and maple trees, beautiful streams, majestic waterfalls, tall pines, wild turkey nesting grounds, inspiring cliff faces, and fields of wildflowers. Gray Bear's goal is to purchase the land and preserve its silent sanctuaries--the bamboo meditation gardens, the hiking trails, and the abundant wildlife. Preserving this adjacent forest will help ensure a place to listen to the exotic woodpecker calls, to take in glorious sunrises and sunsets, and to watch starry night skies.

Pose with a Purpose

We hope you'll strike a tree pose and help us sponsor Grey Bear's Earth Day Fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $1008 through April 30, 2018 to preserve 1 acre of forest. 

Donation Levels

  • Donate $25 (Tree Warrior) and a picture of yourself in a tree pose (or hugging a tree), and Gray Bear will add you to their digital forest mosaic
  • Donate $108 (Tree Protector) received by April 30, 2018, and a picture of yourself in a tree pose (or hugging a tree), and you will also be entered to win a R&R weekend at Gray Bear!

Your payment can be made in several ways.

  • Cash or check— (payable to Friends of Gray Bear) and drop off at Yoga Among Friends
  • Paypal— you can use the app on your phone and send payment to paygb@graybear.org or click here.
  • Apple Pay—use your Apple device and the messages app to send a message to paygb@icloud.com Please note you need to have Apple Pay set-up on your Apple device.
  • Venmo—you can use the app on your phone and send payment to paygb@graybear.org. Learn more about Venmo.

Don't forget to send us your tree pose submission. Include your first and last name, email, and if desired, indicate "in memory of"
or we can take your photo for you when you drop off your payment.

If we can collectively raise the $1008 by April 30, our studio be entered to win a R&R weekend!

Earth Day Yoga

New! Laura Jane will be leading a benefit Earth Day yoga class on Sunday, April 22 with all proceeds going to Gray Bear's forest preservation project. Learn more and join us on Earth day!

Inner Knowing & Renewal

When root is linked to heart, we can feel a passion for life which motivates us to deepen our experiences. Rather than having the feeling of just "passing through", we become, not only voluntarily, but passionately, resident in our Life.
~ Laura Jane ~

The mind becomes dulled through the long nights and cold days of winter and we begin to doubt the possibility of life sustaining life. We become discouraged with our outer world and start linking our minds to thoughts of worry and fear. When we dedicate ourselves to going inward and stilling the mind of those outer senses, we reach the place of listening to our inner knowing. This intelligence is always moving in the direction of its True Nature.

I am forever reminded of this "knowing", when I see the first crocus push its green shoot of life up into the light. These roots have the integrity of intelligence to come back every Spring - to renew the sustained understanding that life is moving towards the space of light. Winter has lasted too long! But what a joy to see and smell and taste the air of this sweet new season.

Each Spring I honor this process and return to a sacred space for retreat to be reminded that the heart needs to be nourished in order to sustain the vitality of living. When we begin to care, not only for ourselves, but also set the intention as a community, then we restore this true and vibrant energy. I call this HOPE.

I invite you to join me April 16-19 for a magical experience at Gray Bear Lodge, a retreat center outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

For those souls wanting to go deeper in a practice of connecting, I promise you wonderful asanas, meditation, walks in the woods, music, chanting, and healthy delicious food. Not to mention a great group of like minded yogis longing for the fullness of LIFE.

Register today! Space is limited.
Contact Yoga Among Friends for more info.

Laura Jane