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"Zooming" in the Blessed Space of Your Own Home

"Zooming" in the Blessed Space of Your Own Home

Laura Jane Mellencamp

Laura Jane Mellencamp

I am so humbled by the constant reminder that I am not in control of anything. I can only set an intention, do my best, and leave the rest. I could never imagine when we closed our doors in March that we would still be in such a state of confusion come July.

After sitting in the uncertainty, I am holding the future loosely. I feel at this time, it would be too hasty to open our doors and bring students into our space with so many conflicting messages around this variable virus. I have to respect my teachers and the students. To return too soon would not be a healthy decision considering all the unknowns.

I feel that all the safety concerns being presented are only going to agitate the minds; wearing a mask, keeping social distancing, and having to practice without the air conditioner is not offering our community a joyous place to practice. I must honor the first principle of yoga, Ahimsa (non-harming), is my first intention.

Therefore, I am postponing the reopening of the studio until we have better protocols for teaching without causing emotional stress. We are remaining to be steadfast in our commitment to share and teachings via zoom and to enhance the community with nurturing love as we ride the wave of this airborne virus.

Who would imagine six months ago that my life work of touch, offering hugs as a healing modality, would be eliminated. Breath is all there is for life. As teachers of yoga, our commitment has been to teach the value of exhaling. Now we learn this is how the virus thrives.  

My heart is sadden but my spirit remains more confident than ever. We will return to the studio slowly and yet for today, YAF will remain a home base for all of us to stay healthy and vibrant and positive moving forward in the comfort of our homes. Community is the most important healing foundation and so please continue to practice and bring your soul to the mat.

We are collectively breathing for the world, and your intention to spread the kindness of respect, patience, forgiveness, and love is our mission statement now. Let go of harming judgements, fearful projections and angry resistance.

Life is moving us forward. Transformational creativity is happening but we must be still enough to listen. “Zooming” in the blessed space of your own home and trust that our teachers are holding all of you in a safe and caring way.

We maintain our practice to experience our collective consciousness of beauty, wonder and grace. Let us remember our true nature and extend this intrinsic harmony into the world.

We can breathe together and as one vibrational sound—be the love! This might sound “Kumbayah”, and too simple for the complex nature of our times, but the strength of intention is not from a lack mind but from a full and grateful heart.  

In light and love,

Laura Jane