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Yoga Sutras

Sutra 3-5 Tad jaya prajna aloke

Sutra 3-5 Tad jaya prajna aloke

When the mind can focus and maintain a direct connection to the heart, there arises the awareness of the True Self, and the splendor of being in deep insight. See our true nature and be the light of unlimited possibility.

As we fast approach the holiday season and the longest nights, we must be reminded that this is also the season of holding the vigil for the light. 

I light my candle to meditate in the early morning dark, and in the evening I put my lights on outside to create a luminous glow around my home. I return to the fireplace as a place of reflection and honor the longer nights as a time to come inside. Coming into my inner home and keeping my inner light nourished in the fast paced world of holiday distractions.

As we come into this season, we tend to get overwhelmed with family activities and busy schedules that challenge the balance of our health—not just physical health but emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. In these challenging times of confusion and emotional exhaustion, we must have a way to connect to that which inspires, uplifts and feeds our souls with hope and love.

I find without a practice, my mind is colluding with all the negative thoughts that spin constantly around me. I must delink from the habit of over thinking, and go into my breath.

The feeling of my aliveness is filled by a radiant sensation of warmth, an inner expansion of being more than my limited physical form. I link to the light, the North Star, the sun, the moon, my candle, my spacious sound of OM and feel the connection that we are all in this together.

Together human hearts can expand in the pure consciousness of love. My intellect never gets how, but through my practice, I can feel that true sense of being enough and full. Full of WONDER as we approach the Season of Giving. 

Take time today, to breath into the light, and from your heart exhale the joy of contentment. And remember to say to yourself, "Thank you", as you go out into your day sharing an inner smile of knowing.

Making the effort to be present is the greatest gift you can give and the quality of your attention is living mindfully in your heart! You are the light!

Enjoy each day with love and light,
Laura Jane