Led by Therese Carlson
6 Thursdays | Feb 25–Mar 31
6–7:15p | $104 ($19 drop-in) | Registration recommended but drop-ins are welcome
Prenatal Yoga is designed to reduce the aches and pains which accompany pregnancy, in a nurturing and supportive environment. The class teaches strength and stamina, as well as concentration and breath control. You will focus on special breathing techniques, opening the hips, and preparing your body for birth. Learn techniques to alleviate lower back pain, leg pain and slumping posture by practicing gentle, modified yoga poses and breathing exercises. Prenatal yoga class is also a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with other pregnant women and celebrate your changing bodies and growing babies. Appropriate for expectant mothers at all stages of pregnancy.
This unique class is taught by Therese Carlson RN, CYT - a registered nurse and yoga teacher. She is the mother of 3 young adults. Therese just completed her 500hr Teacher Training at Prairie Yoga and certified through Global Yoga Center in Chicago for Prenatal Yoga. She also works as a nurse in the community. Therese uses her 33 years of nursing experience and her love of yoga to nurture, strengthen and guide moms-to-be through this exciting journey.
Additional Sessions
Thursdays 6–7:15p
• Apr 7–May 12
• May 19–Jun 23
• Jun 30–Aug 4