Led by Stacey Sanicki Hubeny, MS, LCPC, RYT
6 Mondays | May 23-Jul 11, no class Jul 4
6–7 pm | $100 | Registration required; No drop-ins | Small Studio; Max 6 students
Due to limited class size we are unable to accept drop-in students
Yoga for anxiety is a unique class designed to help you quiet your mind through simple postures, breathing exercises, visual imagery, and healing meditations. Learn how to use the tools of yoga and mindfulness that are so valuable in treating anxiety and stress. Experience what medical research is now reporting - that breathing and meditation positively influence your health, calming your nervous system, and allowing your body to restore and heal.
Due to the small class size, to register, please contact us at 630-960-5488 or email us at info@yogaamongfriends.com
Additional Sessions
Mondays 6 pm
• Jul 18-Aug 22
• Aug 29-Oct 10, no class Sep 5