Led by Laura Jane Mellencamp and others

6 Wednesdays | Jun 14—Jul 19, 2017
5–6 pm| $88 ($17 drop-in) | Registration recommended but drop-ins are welcome

Note: Class time has been changed from 4-5pm to 5-6pm!

A committment is encouraged as each class will build upon the previous classes. This is a great on-going tool for a lifetime of balanced health!

Summer Teen Meditation is for teens who want to explore meditation and mindfulness in daily life. We emphasize a safe, respectful, and fun community where we can all learn from each other. 

The classes give teens a foundation in mindfulness meditation: learning to relax and ground oneself, to know the difference between experiencing life and being on autopilot, to observe what is happening inside oneself, to offer kindness and acceptance to oneself, and to pause before automatically reacting to a situation.

Mindfulness is about being present for your life. When you practice mindfulness, you make friends with yourself and the world around you. You begin to notice an inner stillness that is there even when things are stressful or chaotic. You pay attention to the present moment in a way that allows you to respond, rather than react.

New Student Information & Waiver

If your child(ren) is new to Yoga Among Friends, please read our Liabilty Release Policy and complete the online waiver for each child that you are enrolling. All our customers, including children, are required to complete this form prior to attending any of our drop-in classes, workshops, or any other program offerings. Note: you only need to fill out the waiver form once for each child.


Online Payment $88
6–week Series

Select Session
Enter Teen's Full Name & Age
Enter Contact Phone #

Online Payment
$17 Drop-in Single Class

Enter Teen's Full Name & Age
Enter Contact Phone #

Mail-in or Drop-off Payment $84

Mail your check of $84 ($4 discount) payable to Yoga Among Friends to: 4949 Forest Ave, Downers grove, IL 60515. YAF only accepts cash and checks at the studio.

Note: Students registering on the first day of the event should call the studio first at 630-960-5488.