Nourishing Communities, One Child at a Time

Sangha Space logo with heart

Sangha Space is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to serving children from low-income families and supporting community enrichment programs. At the heart of Sangha Space is a deep commitment to the nourishment of community, emphasizing the importance of mind-body connection in fostering a brighter future for all.

We believe that every child deserves equal access to opportunities that enrich their lives, regardless of their background. By integrating into the communities we serve, Sangha Space offers a range of free educational programs, mental health support, trauma-informed workshops, and music education retreats. These initiatives are designed to empower children of all ages, providing them with alternative paths to learn, care for, and nurture themselves, leading to lasting positive impacts within their communities.

Our mission extends beyond direct support to children. We are also dedicated to training, certifying, and mentoring a network of passionate volunteers and professionals. These individuals are equipped to lead our transformative programs, ensuring that our reach extends not only throughout Chicago but also across the nation.

At Sangha Space, we believe in the power of community. By planting the seeds of connection and care, we help children build a foundation for lifelong well-being. Join us in our mission to create a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive, and where communities are strengthened through shared experiences of growth, healing, and enrichment.