Led by Chad White Wolf Koch
6 Wednesdays | Jul 20–Aug 17
4:30–5:30p | $83 | Registration required; No Drop-ins
Ages 11-17 years
This yoga class will concentrate on teaching young adults aged 11-17 the basics of yoga designed specifically for those with scoliosis. We will cover adjustments and prop use to help teens with scoliosis access the benefits of yoga by increasing strength and flexibility as well as body awareness to work with your curve instead of against your curve. Come to class to find out how to adjust your scoliosis curves within the teachings of yoga!
Note: all students' spines will be assessed during the first class to tailor the yoga experience specifically for students' curves.
Chad White Wolf Koch started out practicing and teaching Tae Kwon Do since 1999. He began teaching yoga in 2010 after practicing with Nancy DL Hearty, who specializes in Yoga for Scoliosis and Yoga for Back Care, and with Gabriel Halpern of Yoga Circle. He has also teaches Tai Chi. He loves working with children, adolescents and young adults and teaches them to seek greatness in their life and never settle for less than they can achieve.
To register, click the button to fill out the registration/waiver form.
Additional Sessions
Wednesdays 4:30 pm
• Jun 15–Jul 13
Yoga Among Friends makes it easy to pay. Pay with credit cards, debit cards, or your checking account or use your Paypal account. Select the session and click BUY NOW. You will be taken to the PayPal website to process your payment. A PayPal account is NOT required in order to complete the online payment process.
Online Payment $83
Mail-in or Drop-off Payment $80
Mail your check of $80 ($3 discount) payable to Yoga Among Friends to: 4949 Forest Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515. YAF only accepts cash and checks at the studio.
Note: Students registering on the first day of the event should call the studio first at 630-960-5488.