• Yoga Among Friends (map)
  • 4949 Forest Avenue
  • Downers Grove, IL, 60515
  • United States

Led by Lisa Sparagna

SOLD OUT 6 Tuesdays | Sep 13–Oct 18
6:15–7:15pm | $100 | Registration required; No drop-ins | Small Studio; Max 6 students


Tuesdays 7:15 pm
Sep 13–Oct 18

Due to limited class size we are unable to accept drop-in students

Meditation can be difficult to do it on your own and finding a meditation group can provide the necessary encouragement for developing a consistent practice.

During this 6 week class, you will be supported in the process of reconnecting to a place of deep relaxation and inner calm. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned meditator, you will feel a real connection with others as we sit together and meditate.

Every week you will be guided through a different meditation, focusing on breath, mantra, visualization and body scan. These meditation tools with help you continue your meditation practice at home, work or school. Afterwards, you will have the option to discuss and share your experiences about the meditations.


Due to the small class size, to register, please contact us at 630-960-5488 or email us at info@yogaamongfriends.com