Led by Laura Jane Mellencamp-Murphy & Shaun Emerson
Will usually meet on the 2nd Wednesday of month. However, due to a scheduling conflict this month, we will meet on the 3rd Wednesday
Wednesday, Jan 18 | 6:30p - 8:00p
Small Room | FREE
January Book of the Month
The Yoga of Max's Discontent
By Karan BajajEven if you cannot attend the meeting and discuss the book, you still can read and learn just for yourself.
Available as an e-reader in Amazon or hard copy.
Upcoming Meetings & Books
Wednesdays 6:30–8 pm
February 8—TBD
March 8—TBD
April 12—TBD
Interested in delving into conversations that you can only scrape the surface of with your teacher and fellow students during a class? Want a way to get more involved with the community?
Come gather with fellow like-minded friends for the YAF Book Club, hosted by Laura Jane Mellencamp and Shaun Emerson. Open to all who are interested in reading and discussing a broad range of books related to the teachings of yoga—the ancient texts, yoga-related memoirs and fiction, asana guides, and yoga teaching, among other possible topics, including spiritual growth and community.
To help us plan for the attendance, kindly RSVP for the Book Club by filling out the RSVP form. Thank you.