• Yoga Among Friends (map)
  • 4949 Forest Grove Avenue
  • Downers Grove, IL, 60515
  • United States

Led by Marina Lisjonok, E-RYT 500, MSW, Yolanda Lozano, and Mike McGuigan

Special Workshop
Sun, December 31 | 6–8pm | $65
Please Register early. This event sold out in previous years!

Say goodbye to 2023 by immersing into the magic of a candlelight all-level yoga practice with Marina. The practice will be accompanied by the sweet healing sounds of crystal and Tibetan bowls, skillfully played by Yolanda and handspan with Mike McGuigan.

The event will include the following:

  • Opening mantras

  • Setting an intention and group sharing

  • All-level yoga practice with Marina accompanied by the sound of singing bowls and handpan – 1 hour

  • Sound Healing with Yolanda

  • Pranayama

  • Meditation to a Handpan with Mike

  • Silent Meditation

  • Metta Meditation

  • Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu Chanting

  • Reflection and Final Sharing

  • Closing Mantras

Reserve Your Spot

Payment $65

Click this New Year’s Eve Yoga with Sound Healing link to register and pay for the class. You will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive reminder emails 24 hours and 2 hours before the workshop.


Mail your check of $65, payable to Yoga Among Friends, to 4949 Forest Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515. YAF only accepts cash and checks at the studio.