Led by Lisa Sparagna

6 Tuesdays | September 1–October 6 | 6:15–7:15 pm | $114
Registration required; No drop-ins* | Online Classes via Zoom
Please a few minutes before 6:15pm to check your sound.

Finding the Easeful Heart: A six-week meditation course on moving beyond fear and anxiety to openness and wholeness.

We’ll use mindfulness meditation to learn to manage the daily undercurrent of fear and anxiety that runs through our lives, to silence our inner critic, and find self-compassion.

How to Register, Pay and Receive Zoom Links

Online Payment $114

  1. Click this Finding the Easeful Heart 6-Week Meditation Course link to register and pay for the classes. You will receive a class scheduled email that includes the link for the first class on Tuesday, September 1 only.

  2. The Zoom links will change for each class. You will receive reminder emails 24 hours, 2 hours, and 1 hour before EACH class with a unique Zoom link for that class. Click the link in the email to access the specific class.