• Yoga Among Friends (map)
  • 4949 Forest Avenue
  • Downers Grove, IL, 60515
  • United States

Reclaim Your Inner Joy with Vishoka Meditation!

Vishoka Meditation + Yoga Sutra Study
6 Saturdays | Class Meets the 1st and 4th Saturdays of month

Jan 7, .Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 25, Mar 4 and Mar 25
$275 | Registration required; No drop-ins

Life is too short to be unhappy. The stresses of modern life can sap our inspiration and drain our energy.

Vishoka Meditation is a complete system of meditation to reclaim your inner joy and train your mind to remain clear, focused, and joyful in all circumstances in life. It is simple, systematic, experiential, and accessible for all levels. Gentle movement and breath practices are used to prepare the body, balance the nervous system, and quiet the mind to guide you to experience the Vishoka—a state of inner joy.

Vishoka is more than technique. It is a living practice supported by a rich body of wisdom from ancient source texts, including the Yoga Sutra, Lotus Sutra, and Shiva Sutra, and refined over countless generations of practitioners and masters including Buddha, Patanjali, and a long line of Siddha masters.

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn and practice the entire system of Vishoka Meditation

  • Learn the art of uniting breath and mind to turn them inward

  • Explore the ancient philosophy and wisdom traditions of the Yoga Sutra

  • Learn key foundational pranayama practices

  • Learn diaphragmatic breathing and systematic relaxation practice

  • Explore key refinements for a comfortable meditation posture

  • Learn how to adopt a yogic lifestyle that is the foundation of Vishoka Meditation

Each session includes a lecture and discussion, breath-aligned gentle postures (asanas), and a sitting practice to gain mastery over our minds.

First, we'll dive into the philosophy of the Yoga Sutra, then we’ll integrate it somatically so that we can appreciate it as a living body of experience.

Imagine a life free from pain and sorrow—Infused with joy and tranquility!

Laura Jane Mellencamp, C-IAYT

Yoga Among Friends is proud to be one of a handful of centers to bring you the wisdom of a living tradition, Vishoka Meditation, designed for students of all levels—from those just beginning on the path of yoga or meditation to experienced meditators and yoga teachers.

Meditation can bring a life free from negativity and infuse it with joy and tranquility. The ancient masters called this state Vishoka, an inherent state that we all can achieve. The key is a precise set of meditative techniques designed to unite the mind and breath and turn them inward.

Register for the Class

6 Week Series: $275

  1. Click this Vishoka Meditation + Yoga Sutra Study link to register and pay for the classes.

  2. You will receive a class registration confirmation.

  3. Additional reminder emails will be sent 24 hours and 2 hours before class.

  4. Register early; space is limited.